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Over the years Graham has provided cartoons and caricatures for many authors and publishers of Biographies, Scientific Reference and Sci Fi books, Memoirs, Travelogues and Business Books to name just a few. 

Grahams cartoons and caricatures have been used as book covers, chapter headings and throughout in full glorious colour or detailed black and white hatched work and occasionally loose pencil rough style.

For more information just click the Contact tab at the top.  Meanwhile, here is a just small selection of published examples.



GreenspanViagra lorryWarren Buffet
Belly laughKyrenia VEAngry Stern
Vince Billy flatVE_book
All images remain the property of The Hit Man. Copyright of all creative work supplied by The Hit Man resides with The Hit Man.
All rights are reserved, no artwork may be published, reproduced or printed, including photo copying, recording, taping, storage
in information storage and retrieval systems without permission of Graham Fowell, The Hit Man.